I took Barrett to get his 2 month shots ALL BY MYSELF! My dad was going to go with me. We had it all planned out, but the doctor’s office called and moved his appointment and my dad was out of town. It was good for me though… I had to put on my big girl panties and do it myself. And I did. It actually wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I think the other kids I heard screaming was the worst part! Poor things…
We went to lunch with my friend Kilie after his shots, and then we came home. He never ran a fever, but we stayed on the Tylenol just in case. He did want his mommy to hold him though! I’m so not used to that… he usually wants to lay down in the nap nanny or under the mobile. He is Mr. Independent. But for once, he wanted his mommy to hold him… I wasn’t happy about the reason or that he was a little cranky, but I’ll take what I can get. 🙂
I looked down while I was cuddling my sweet boy up and saw this:
I guess he wasn’t happy with his mommy for making him get shots…